Preserved Lemons
Makes a 1.5litre Kilner jar which will need to be sterilised
4 to 5 unwaxed* large organic lemons sliced thinly on a mandolin (pips removed)
3 whole chillies
2 sticks whole cinnamon
5-6 whole bayleaves
4-5 tbsp sea salt
1 tsp pink or red peppercorns (black is also fine)
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp chilli flakes (optional)
Good quality olive oil
Simply mix everything together and squash the lemons firmly into the Kilner jar making sure the juice comes out the lemons - topping up with olive oil so everything is covered. If needed add another lemon and some more salt. This will help to pickle the skins.
Leave on a window sill turning the jar upside down every now and then. After 5 days to a week (depending on the temperature of your kitchen) these lemons will be ready to eat. They will get better the longer you leave them and will last up to 3 months in your fridge.
For whole lemons - which look incredible, the process can take up to 6 weeks. If you want to do it this way simply slice the lemon into four but keeping the bottom in tact so the lemon opens as wide as possible, stuff with salt and squash as many as you can in a sterilised jar. Some of the juice will cover the lemons but add some good quality olive oil and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Leave on a windowsill for about a month then transfer to the fridge. When they are ready, use the skin only.
*if you can’t get unwaxed lemons - scrub with hot soapy water to get rid of as much of the wax as you can.
